Vacant position: 2. Horn/Utility (all parts except solo) Applications due by December 1. 2016 with audition in Stavanger January 13. 2017.
The Stavanger Symphony Orchestra (SSO) has become one of Scandinavia’s most successful orchestras. The orchestra has experienced significant artistic development in recent years together with an increase in audience numbers, both in Norway and abroad. The new internationally acclaimed concert hall, from 2012, has contributed to SSO’s further growth.
The Chief Conductor is Christian Vasquez from Venezuela.
A digital audio or video recording should be attached to your application. This does not need to be of a technically professional quality. No need to record in one take. Attach in MP3 format or link to YouTube or Dropbox.
Programme for recording: (see link for music for recording)
Applicants will be invited to the audition following evaluation of CV and recording.
The invitations will be sent to qualified applicants by the 10. December 2016. Salary is up to NOK 579.186 pr. year (with 16 years seniority).
Audition Programme 13. January: (see link for music for audition)
Orchestra excerpts 2. horn :
Orchestra excerpts 3. horn: