Information about subscriptions

Good discounts compared to ordinary ticket sale The same seat at the subscription concerts at Fartein Valen Special offers for selected concerts outside of the subscriptions series Free admission to an exclusive “friend concert” Discount for couples with the same address If purchasing two ordinary subscriptions where two people have the same address, a total […]

  • Good discounts compared to ordinary ticket sale
  • The same seat at the subscription concerts at Fartein Valen
  • Special offers for selected concerts outside of the subscriptions series
  • Free admission to an exclusive “friend concert”
  • Discount for couples with the same address

    If purchasing two ordinary subscriptions where two people have the same address, a total discount of 900 NOK (in the red category) or NOK 600 (in the blue category) in the Hovedserie (the Main Series) and 400 NOK (red category) or 200 NOK (blue category) in the Klassikerserie (the Classical Journey). Such a discount will not be awarded in price category 3 (green category). The discount is only applicable to purchase of an ordinary subscription.

    Exchange of tickets

    Subscribers may exchange up to three of their concerts in the series to another concert arranged by the SSO. The exchange of a concert levies a charge of 50 NOK, and have to be made at the latest one week prior to the concert to be changed away from. Already exchanged tickets may not be exchanged again.



    The subscription is renewing automatically until it is cancelled by you.  


  • If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us at or the ticket counter at telephone (+47) 51 53 70 00.